A contemporary, split level, single storey, SIP constructed dwelling with both sedum and raised seam coated steel roofing, above walls of decorated render, thin coursed natural slate and larch cladding.
The site comprised of the rear garden of a pair of semi‐detached, Edwardian houses, within the Conservation Area of Blandford Forum.
The garden sloped steeply downwards, which led to a split level design to minimise scale. Being physically and visually separated from the street scene of traditional period properties gave the opportunity for an individual and contemporary design without affecting the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. Planning approval was granted in July 2014.
SIP construction will offer a high level of insulation and air tightness. A Mechanic Ventilation & Heat Recovery System (MVHR) will be installed, removing pollutants and passing stale air through a heat exchanger to pre‐warm incoming fresh air.
Many thanks to clients, John & Jo, for the opportunity to design this project with them.